The International area of Corporate Practice for Empire covers several jurisdictions across the globe including the major emerging markets. For companies now, the domestic market is only a minor part of the global pie. Companies have aggressive expansion plans with aims to grow at rapid rates both by organic and inorganic methods.
The expansion into international markets brings with it several inherent challenges primarily in the field of compliances for business in those markets. Several markets require the formation of special company structures and also permit and change in company shareholding patterns. Many companies also choose Franchisee or Joint Venture Models for expansions into these markets.
International Business also brings with it the challenge of international disputes and the need for international arbitration or domestic court proceedings in multiple jurisdictions in unfamiliar legal scenarios.
Empire believes that businesses should not be limited by these hurdles and it provides advisory services across different jurisdictions of the globe. We cover compliances, filings, listings, contracts, and also possible disputes arising out of your international business while working with our partners from across the globe.